Lime Road, Normanby, Middlesbrough, TS6 0BZ

01642 452806

  1. HOME
  2. Attendance



Class registers will be taken punctually each day at 8.50am and between 13:00 and 13:10.

If your child is absent from school for any reason, you must ring the school and leave a message, or call into the office giving an explanation (01642 452806). If you do not contact us, you will receive a phone call from a member of the admin team checking that your child is safe and asking why they are not at school.

As a school, we expect attendance to be 96% or above. If your child’s attendance falls below 96%, then Mrs Weston will be in contact to see if there is any way to support.

When children attendance falls below 90%, have lengthy absences, or frequently miss one or two days from school, we have to formally involve the Attendance Welfare Officer (AWO) to ascertain whether the absence is justified.  This may necessitate a home visit.  Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their children attend the school regularly and that they arrive on time.

For more detailed guidance on attendance, please refer to the policy on the ‘Policies’ page.


Please ensure that your child arrives to school on time. We need to be over the line at quarter to nine!


Due to guidance from the Department for Education, we are unable to authorise any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

If you need to take your child out of school during term time, we ask that you complete a Leave of Absence request form, which are available at the office