Lime Road, Normanby, Middlesbrough, TS6 0BZ

01642 452806

  1. Parents
  2. Safeguarding our children and families
  3. Safe School

Safe School


Visitors in school  (including parents and carers)

All visitors must enter school via the main office. All visitors must sign in immediately upon entering the school building and will be issued with either a Red or Blue Lanyard.  Blue Lanyards  show the children that this visitor can walk through school unsupervised by a member of staff.  Red Lanyards mean this visitor must be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.  Local Academy Councillors wear orange Lanyards whilst visiting school.


Mobile Phones

All visitors are required to switch their mobile phones off or to silent upon entering the school building. They should be kept out of sight whilst in the school building.  Should you wish to make or receive a call you must sign out of the building at the main office and leave. Staff are only allowed to use their mobile phone in the Staff Room or admin block and must keep their phones in their locker during the school day, aside from designated break times.

Children in Year 5 and Year 6 may bring a mobile phone to school if they are walking to or from school without an adult.  ALL mobile phones must be handed in on arriving in school and will be handed back at the end of the school day.   


The  building is designed to ensure full safeguarding of our pupils once they enter the school building. Nursery has a separate entrance which is controlled by a security release system within the building. Once children have entered the grounds via the side gate off the plaza, the gate will be locked and this forms the secure boundary for the rest of the day.

Internally, all zones are entered via fob release systems and a full realm of fire safety exits and systems.

If you need to enter the building at any time during the school day, please report to the main office first. As you leave please make sure doors are secure behind you. In case of emergency, all staff can open these doors from the inside.


School Gates

The school gates are unlocked at 8.35am each morning, with a member of staff being stationed on each one until the gates are locked at 8.50am.

We believe that this presence provides an immediate point of contact for parents and carers and allows us to Safeguard our pupils from the point that they enter our school site.


Fire Drills

We conduct a fire drill each term for all members of the school community. An annual health and safety audit is completed by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.


Collection from School

Children are only allowed to be collected from school by an approved adult. If another adult is collecting a child from school, this must be agreed with the school in advance.

  • Children in Nursery, Reception, Y1 to Y4 are handed over to an approved adult who must be over the age of 18 years. 
  • Children in Y5-6 are allowed to walk home, if we have received signed confirmation of this arrangement from their parent or carer.



Footpaths should be used to reach the playgrounds. Cyclists must dismount on reaching the school site.



Dogs, and other animals, are not allowed on the school site, except with the permission of the headteacher. We welcome trainee dogs who are learning how to support partial sighted or hearing individuals, as well as dogs from the Police and other services. Please contact school if this is a concern.


Educational Visits

Educational visits are very carefully planned by teachers, in accordance with our approved Education Visits Policy. This document can be obtained from the School Office or from the website under policies. You will be asked for your written permission to allow your child to take part in visits and activities off the school site during the year ahead. Please return it to school promptly.



Smoking, including vaping and the consumption of alcohol is not permitted on the school site.