Lime Road, Normanby, Middlesbrough, TS6 0BZ

01642 452806

  1. Homework


Reading at least three times a week all children across school  (reading charts to be completed weekly on a Friday)

Keywords - weekly tricky words linked to Phonics to be given out on a Friday - Year 1 and Year 2

Spelling practice  - weekly spellings to be given out on a Friday -children from Year 2 – Year 6

Times tables practice weekly times table to be given out on a Monday children from Year 2 – Year 6

Maths via Purple Mash  - once a fortnight to be set on a Tuesday children from Y1 – Y6  (starting wc 30.09.24)


Websites for Home Learning

Phonics Play



ICT Games


If you have lost or forgotten your child's login details / passwords for Bug Club or Purple Mash please email and we will be able to send them to you.