Lime Road, Normanby, Middlesbrough, TS6 0BZ

01642 452806

  1. Curriculum
  2. History




At Teesville Academy, History teaching focuses on educating children to think as historians. An emphasis is placed on examining historical artefacts and a range of historical sources. Where appropriate, children are given the opportunity to visit sites of historical significance. We encourage visitors to come into the school and talk about their experiences of events in the past. We recognise and value the importance of stories in history teaching and we regard this as an important way of stimulating interest in the past. We focus on helping children understand that historical events can be interpreted in different ways and that they are encouraged to ask questions.

We believe that, through the study of history, children make sense of their world and enrich their understanding of it. Through our curriculum, children will understand the similarities and differences between societies and cultures, and the impact of change on people and place.


The planning of each unit is underpinned by the key historical concepts of: Chronology, Cause and Consequence, Change and Continuity, Similarity and Difference and Historical Significance. Units are carefully sequenced allowing pupils to draw on prior knowledge, as this plays and important role in how pupils learn.  High quality lesson planning and systematic teaching approaches strive to bring about lasting changes in pupils’ capabilities and understanding.  Regular purposeful practice of what has previously been taught helps to consolidate material and help pupils remember what they have learned. Pupils have repeated opportunities to revisit ideas allowing them to retrieve information from memory and strengthen their recall. Scaffolding, guides and a software system to support communication, are used highly effectively to support all pupils, to realise their full potential. 


Pupil conferences provide regular opportunities for pupils to articulate and demonstrate what they have learnt. Pupils are able to talk with historical language and vocabulary about a particular period using subject specific language. Work in books shows a high standard of history being taught. Pupils can make links and connections to what they have been taught previously. Pupils are keen, enthusiastic and motivated to discover and learn about people and events from the past.